Courses > Developers
A4Q Testing Foundations 4 Developers
The need for organisations to continuously innovate and adapt their services to meet the ever-changing, and increasingly demanding, expectations of their customers is more of a challenge today than ever! A seamless service experience for the customer can have a huge impact on an organisation’s reputation, customer acquisition and retention and indeed the company’s overall growth.

» Create a better understanding
» A4Q TF4D is internationally recognized
» Exams are available worldwide
Important Update
The A4Q TF4D curriculum has been adapted and optimized to create the new A4Q SDET (Software Development Engineer in Test) certification!
The A4Q TF4D remains a valid for anyone who has already achieved certification and individuals may be grandfathered to A4Q SDET. Please contact your exam provider for further information.
A4Q TF4D exams (including re-takes) and training will remain available until 28th October 2022.
Go to A4Q SDETHow to become an A4Q Testing Foundations 4 Developers expert.
The goal of the A4Q Testing Foundations for Developers (TF4D) certification is to impart basic testing skills to developers.
TF4D is not intended to “retrain” developers as testers but to increase competence and confidence in effectively selecting and using relevant testing approaches, methods and techniques during the development lifecycle. TF4D applies no matter what lifecycle approach is being utilized and is applicable to developers working in environments that include individuals working in a more specific “tester” role.
Who is this qualification for?
Product Owners
Project Managers
Quality Managers
Software Development Managers
Business Analysts
IT Managers or Management Consultants
Numbers to make it count
The A4Q TF4D curriculum will help participants to gain a basic understanding of testing and testing life cycles. All main test techniques are explained in the syllabus and static test, review processes and static analysis are given special attention. White Box & Black Box testing approaches are also covered.
Minutes per exam
Extra time for non-native speakers.
Score is required to pass the exam.
Start your journey to become an A4Q Testing Foundations 4 Developers expert
The A4Q Certified Service Designer is a modular certification program. Each module within the scheme has its own inherent value as a certification and will add value to individuals seeking to develop and attest to skills in each of the respective fields. Full A4Q Certified Service Designer can be applied for by candidates who have achieved the three mandatory modules and one of the electives.
The A4Q Design Thinking and A4Q Business Service Design modules are available now! CX Analysis will follow shortly with the elective modules available later in 2022.
The exam for the A4Q Testing Foundations 4 Developers is available at:
If you have any further questions regarding the A4Q A4Q Certified Service Designer scheme, please feel free to contact us.
Accredited Training Providers for A4Q Testing Foundations 4 Developers
Click here to see all of the accredited Training Providers for the A4Q Testing Foundations 4 Developers:
- 21CN, Poland
- Acial, France
- Aldemia, France
- Amberteam, Poland
- Ammerlaan IT Training en Advies, Netherlands
- Aqua Computing Ltd., UK
- BCloud, Morocco
- Business Innovation, Latin America
- Capgemini Educational Services, Netherlands
- Choucair, Colombia
- Certilog, France
- Certview, India
- Coala Group, Chile
- CodeSpace, Ukraine
- Compendium Centrum Edukacyjne Sp. z o.o., Poland
- CTG, Belgium
- DataMate, South Africa
- EGL, France
- Expert Team, Tunisia
- Expleo Academy DACH
- Fincon, Germany
- imbus AG, Canada
- imbus AG, China
- imbus AG, Germany
- Intelligent Quality Software Testing (iQST), Romania
- Intudio, Canada
- IVM Technical Consultants, Australia
- KD Russia, Russia
- Kreska Technologies, India
- Loyal Team, Germany
- MindQ Academy, India
- Picadilly Group, UK
- Planit Test Management Solutions Pty Ltd, Australia
- Praegus, Netherlands
- Progideo, Morocco
- ProTest Solutions, Croatia
- ps_testware, France
- QSI Conseil, Morocco
- Quality Dojo IT-Consulting, Germany
- Qytera Software Testing Solutions GmbH, Germany
- R1 Training, Singapore
- Raudra, Phillippines
- Semos Computers Education Center, Macedonia
- Servicios Informaticos y Capacitacion SPA, Chile
- Sogeti Deutschland, Germany
- Sogeti Netherlands, Netherlands
- Spirit Testing
- SpringIT, France
- StarTel, Netherlands
- Tal Pe’er, Norway
- Taraxacum B.V, Netherlands
- Techcanvass, India
- TesterYou, Turkey
- Testing en Chile, Chile
- Tesuqa, Belgium
- TSG Training, UK